Special Education


Here at Shenango Area School District, we are proud of the effort and time that our faculty and staff put forth in making this a place where ALL children can learn and develop. We continue to work diligently to build capacity within the district so that we may not only ensure FAPE but also build on our continuum of services.  It is these efforts that work to honor those that we have the privilege to serve each day – the students of the Shenango Community.  Our special education programs have continued to change and grow with the times.  While we certainly have more growing to do, we hold to the idea that when we know better, we do better.  The staff receives ongoing training in pertinent special education and regular education issues, making certain to address the needs of the individual child as well as the collective group.

Some of the improvements and changes that Shenango has undergone over the last few years include:

  • Started a new LS program at the elementary with a focus on academic needs, social emotional needs, behavioral needs, adaptive skill needs, and sensory needs
  • Opened a sensory room at the elementary to more appropriately address the sensory diet needs of our students
  • Hired a full-time school psychologist
  • Full-time inclusion support teacher K-12
  • Increased the number of paraprofessionals to provide for more assistance in the inclusive settings
  • All special education faculty and staff are highly qualified and continue to stay on the cutting edge through various professional development opportunities
  • Hold transition meetings for seniors
  • Utilize researched-based progress monitoring programs (i.e. Aimsweb, Study Island)
  • Purchased new elementary reading and math program to align with regular education curriculum
  • Integrated more Curriculum Based Measures within district IEP’s
  • Provided increased parent training opportunities (i.e. at IEP meetings, through Open House, teacher/parent contacts, Financial Aid workshops, out-of-district flyers, etc…)
  • Adopted a character education initiative K-12
  • Utilize IEPWriter to align IEP’s more effectively
  • Special Education classrooms  are equipped with smart boards, computers, and document cameras
  • Increased effective inclusive opportunities throughout district
  • Full-time Student Support Teacher K-6
  • Transition Class in conjunction with MIU IV 9-12
  • Continue efforts through district-run Community Based Instruction program opportunities

Obviously these are just a few of the many changes that the district has undertaken. We are encouraged by these changes and continue to strive for excellence – the type of excellence that begets program changes and ultimately, student’s long-term success.

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